The Valdez Group

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Content Image Block

Use the Content Image Block Component to display content with a visual. The description field allows you to add a greater amount of copy, but you don’t want to place too much content here. Just a paragraph or two. Then the button below can link to more expanded content if needed or to a portal.

You can also add a block with the image on the right or the left by changing the Image Position field below.

Icon Cards

Card Heading 1

You can use these cards to display products, services, or parallel concepts.

Card Heading 2

They allow your website visitors to digest content more easily because of the spacing and simplicity.

Card Heading 3

Choose the icons in your media library or upload others. The key is that they all need to be the same size.

Testimonial Slider

This is the first testimonial about Intelliquote, which gives support and evidence that there is value to the services offered. The testimonial could include comments on savings, quality service, and prompt/attentive customer service.

Testimonial Name 1

This is the second testimonial about Intelliquote, which gives support and evidence that there is value to the services offered. The testimonial could include comments on savings, quality service, and prompt/attentive customer service.

Testimonial Name 2

This is the third testimonial about Intelliquote, which gives support and evidence that there is value to the services offered. The testimonial could include comments on savings, quality service, and prompt/attentive customer service.

Testimonial Name 3

Image Accordion Block

The Image Accordion block allows you yet another way to present your content incrementally. You can choose the background color below.

Here you can add copy similar to the icon cards. But these collapse and open when clicked.
The collapse/open feature shows that you value your users' choice to read more.
It also helps them to navigate quickly through the topics and choose the one that pertains to their needs.
This particular accordion has an animated collapse/open feature that makes it really nice.

What Type Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?

Image Cards

Image Card Heading 1

The image cards allow you to introduce content with a visual.

Image Card Heading 2

Images break up the monotony of text and attract attention.

Image Card Heading 3

Image cards are a great tool for sharing parallel concepts.

List / Image SBS

This is the List / Image Side-by-Side Component. You can display a list of links to other pages, other sites, or pdfs aside an image. As in the previous Link List, we've added a sample pdf for each link. Add your pdfs to your media library, copy their url, and paste them here or to the previous Link List component.

WYSIWYG Component

WYSIWYG stands for “What You See Is What You Get”. You can add anything to this block. If none of the other blocks work for what you want to communicate on your website, you can use this component to add a block of text or a simple stand-alone image. You can also add html code within the Text editor and view it in the Visual editor.

Add an image by selecting the button “Add Media” at the top of the editor.